
CAO Hailing

Academic Title:associate professor

Research Center:

Research Field:English Literature, Teaching Method.




  • Personal Profile
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  • PERSONAL RESUME NAME: CAO, HAILINGADDRESS:General English Department College of Foreign LanguagesNankai University Tianjin, 300071P. R. ChinaTELEPHONE 86-22-23501476 (O) EMAIL : caohailing@nankai.edu.cn EDUCATION:1989: Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R. China BA, English1999: Nankai University, Tianjin, China MA, American LiteratureACADEMIC POSITIONS: * Lecturer 1994-2001 General English Department, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University* Associate Professor 2001-now General English Department, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University Jan. 2008- June 2008Be the visiting Scholar teaching in Mingdao University in Taiwan. Jan. 2012-June 2013Be the visiting scholar teaching in Xi Zang University (Lhasa,Tibet). MAIN PUBLICATIONSMonograph(s)“How different teaching assistant tools related to the outcome effects on the language acquisition. Nankai University Publishing house, 2005.“Explore the field in depth and you’ll improve in time” English Language Learning (Monthly Journal) Sept. 2000.“Miracles can’t be expected while subtle influence was unconscious” College English (monthly), 2002.Translation(s)《Global Business Today》3rd. Ed. Machinery Industry Publishing House,2004.《Global Business Today》7th. Ed. Machinery Industry Publishing House,2013.《A Manual of English For the overseas Doctor》Tianjin Scientific Technology Translation Publishing Company,1995.《Life Cubed》Hainan Publishing House,June 2018.Important Articles & Chapters “New Chinese—English Pocket Library” Nankai University Publishing house,1998.“How different teaching assistant tools related to the outcome effects on the language acquisition. Nankai University Publishing house, 2005.“Explore the field in depth and you’ll improve in time” English Language Learning (Monthly Journal) Sept. 2000.“Miracles can’t be expected while subtle influence was unconscious” College English (monthly), 2002.GRANTS* Being awarded Teaching Scholarship in 1997* Nankai University Liberal Arts Foundation Grant for “The Application in English Teaching the Different Linguistic Teaching Methods ” 2006.*The honored award to the excellent staff of Xi Zang University, 2012. *The honored award to the excellent party member in Nankai University 2016. RESEARCH INTERESTSEnglish Literature & CulturePractical TranslationTeaching MethodsOTHER ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES* Jan. 2008- June 2008Be the visiting Scholar teaching in MingDao University in Taiwan. * Jan. 2012-June 2013Be the visiting scholar teaching in XiZang University (Lhasa,Tibet). COURSES TAUGHT* Basic English 2-1* Basic English 2-2 * Advanced English I*Advanced English II* The Culture in the European and USA architectures (optional)
    Work Experience



    ADDRESSGeneral English Department

               College of Foreign Languages

    Nankai University

                Tianjin, 300071

    P. R. China

    TELEPHONE86-22-23501476 (O)

    EMAIL :caohailing@nankai.edu.cn


    1989:Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R. China              

    BA, English

    1999:  Nankai University, Tianjin, China                   

    MA, American Literature


    * Lecturer      1994-2001

               General English Department, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University

    *Associate Professor                           2001-now

    GeneralEnglish Department, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University

    Jan. 2008- June 2008

    Be the visiting Scholar teaching in Mingdao University in Taiwan.

    Jan. 2012-June 2013

    Be the visiting scholar teaching in Xi Zang University  (LhasaTibet).  



    “How different teaching assistant tools related to the outcome effects on the language acquisition. Nankai University Publishing house, 2005.

    “Explore the field in depth and you’ll improve in time” English Language Learning (Monthly Journal) Sept. 2000.

    “Miracles can’t be expected while subtle influence was unconscious” College English (monthly),  2002.


    Global Business Today3rd. Ed. Machinery Industry Publishing House2004.

    Global Business Today7th. Ed. Machinery Industry Publishing House2013.

    A Manual of English For the overseas DoctorTianjin Scientific Technology Translation Publishing Company1995.

    Life CubedHainan Publishing HouseJune 2018.

    Important Articles & Chapters

     “New Chinese—English Pocket Library”  Nankai University Publishing house1998.

    “How different teaching assistant tools related to the outcome effects on the language acquisition. Nankai University Publishing house, 2005.

    “Explore the field in depth and you’ll improve in time” English Language Learning (Monthly Journal) Sept. 2000.

    “Miracles can’t be expected while subtle influence was unconscious” College English (monthly),  2002.


    * Being awarded Teaching Scholarship in 1997

    *Nankai University Liberal Arts Foundation Grant for “The Application in English Teaching the Different Linguistic Teaching Methods ” 2006.

    *The honored award to the excellent staff of Xi Zang University, 2012.

    *The honored award to the excellent party member in Nankai University 2016.


    English Literature & Culture

    Practical Translation

    Teaching Methods


    *Jan. 2008- June 2008

    Be the visiting Scholar teaching in MingDao University in Taiwan.

    *Jan. 2012-June 2013

    Be the visiting scholar teaching in XiZang University  (LhasaTibet).


    * Basic English 2-1

    * Basic English 2-2

    *Advanced English I

    *Advanced English II

    * The Culture in the European and USA architectures (optional) 


    姓名:                 曹海陵(Hailing Cao)

    性别(Sex):          女(Female),   

    出生日期(Birth Time):196610(Born in Oct1966),  

    籍贯:                 江苏南京;(Nanjing, Jiangsu Provence)

    出生地(Birth place):  天津(Tianjin,P.R. China )


    1979~1985年:  天津南开中学(Nankai Middle School);

    1985~1989年:  南开大学外语系英美语言文学专业  (Foreign Language Department of Nankai University, Bachelor Degree);

    1997年~1999年:南开大学外语学院英语研究生(Graduate Study Courses in Nankai University from 1997~1999Master Degree)

    1989~至今:    南开大学外语学院公英教学部任教(PublicEnglish Department of Nankai University)

    1994年:          聘任讲师(became a lecturer in 1994)

    1997年:          获得顶新集团资助的青年教师奖教金  (awarded Teaching Scholarship in 1997)

    1997年:         加入民盟 (joined in Democratic Allies in 1997)

    2000年~2007:   担任英二教研室副主任(From2000~2007: Vice group leader of 2nd English Section)

    2001年:          聘任副教授(Since 2001, became the Associate Professor)

    20082-6月:台湾明道大学讲学(Visiting Lecturer in Mingdao University, Taiwan

    20122-20137 月:受南开大学指派,赴西藏教育援藏。担任西藏大学旅外学院的副院长。Be the advanced teacher supporting Tibetan education.

    教研成果:Research Works Since:

    1. 新英汉袖珍词典》(New Chinese—English Pocket Library)编委之一,(南开大学出版社19983月第一版),承担了字典MS部分的编写工作。

    2. 英语辨错、改错难题突破》一书的编委之一(负责编辑全书1/3的内容),由天津大学出版社出版,979月第一版;

    3. 攻克英语听说关》一书编者之一,19988月第一版,天津大学出版社。

    4. 攻克英语词汇关》一书编者之一,20004月第一版,天津大学出版社。

    5. 职称英语考试重点词汇考点详解》一书编者之一。天津科技出版社20015月第一版。

    6. 独立撰写“<<>不求点石成金  但愿潜移默化>一文,发表在《大学英语论文集》中, 该论文集于20021月由《大学英语》编辑部出版。

    7. 独立撰写 “<<>钩深攫微 日有所进>一文,《英语学习月刊   200010月刊,  P28:语言文化专栏。

    8. 撰写<<>教学辅助工具(手段)与语言习得效果间是否有必然的联系>一文,发表在《大学英语教学与研究论文集》:南开大学出版社 20051月出版。

    9. 译著:主译《医生英语手册 》(A Manual of English For the overseas Doctorby Joy Parkinson (中英对照)10万字的翻译工作,并参与审校工作;天津科技翻译出版公司,19956月出版。

    10. 主译(第一译者)《当代全球商务Global Business Today》第三版(3rd edition)一书,美国华盛顿大学经济学教授查尔斯W.L.希尔的专著并进行全书的校稿统稿工作。该书已由机械工业出版社于20044月出版。

    11. 主译(第一译者)《当代全球商务Global Business Today》第五版(5th editionBy Charles W.L. Hill; 机械工业出版社,20093月出版。该书为经济教材译丛系列之一。

    12. 主译(第一译者)现代国际商务Global Business Today7th edition. By Charles W.L. Hill; 机械工业出版社,20131月出版。该书为经济教材译丛系列之一。

    基金: Fund:

    南开大学文科青年基金项目“两种不同的语言教学法在英语教学上的应用” 2006     

    研究方向: Research  Area:








    ADDRESSGeneral English Department

               College of Foreign Languages

    Nankai University

                Tianjin, 300071

    P. R. China


    TELEPHONE  86-22-23501476 (O)


    EMAIL :caohailing@nankai.edu.cn 




    1989:    Nankai University, Tianjin, P.R. China              

               BA, English


    1999:  Nankai University, Tianjin, China                   

               MA, American Literature




           *  Lecturer         1994-2001

               General English Department, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University

    *  Associate Professor                           2001-now

               General English Department, College of Foreign Languages, Nankai University

          Jan. 2008- June 2008

    Be the visiting Scholar teaching in Mingdao University in Taiwan.

          Jan. 2012-June 2013

    Be the visiting scholar teaching in Xi Zang University  (LhasaTibet).  





    “How different teaching assistant tools related to the outcome effects on the language acquisition. Nankai University Publishing house, 2005.


    “Explore the field in depth and you’ll improve in time” English Language Learning (Monthly Journal) Sept. 2000.


    “Miracles can’t be expected while subtle influence was unconscious” College English (monthly),  2002.



    Global Business Today3rd. Ed. Machinery Industry Publishing House2004.


    Global Business Today7th. Ed. Machinery Industry Publishing House2013.


    A Manual of English For the overseas DoctorTianjin Scientific Technology Translation Publishing Company1995.


    Life CubedHainan Publishing HouseJune 2018.


    Important Articles & Chapters

     “New Chinese—English Pocket Library”  Nankai University Publishing house1998.


    “How different teaching assistant tools related to the outcome effects on the language acquisition. Nankai University Publishing house, 2005.


    “Explore the field in depth and you’ll improve in time” English Language Learning (Monthly Journal) Sept. 2000.


    “Miracles can’t be expected while subtle influence was unconscious” College English (monthly),  2002.




    * Being awarded Teaching Scholarship in 1997

    * Nankai University Liberal Arts Foundation Grant for “The Application in English Teaching the Different Linguistic Teaching Methods ” 2006.

    *The honored award to the excellent staff of Xi Zang University, 2012.

    *The honored award to the excellent party member in Nankai University 2016.




    English Literature & Culture

    Practical Translation

    Teaching Methods




    * Jan. 2008- June 2008

    Be the visiting Scholar teaching in MingDao University in Taiwan.

     * Jan. 2012-June 2013

    Be the visiting scholar teaching in XiZang University  (LhasaTibet).  





    * Basic English 2-1

    * Basic English 2-2

          * Advanced English I

    *Advanced English II

    * The Culture in the European and USA architectures (optional) 


    姓名:                 曹海陵(Hailing Cao)

    性别(Sex):          女(Female),   

    出生日期(Birth Time):196610(Born in Oct1966),  

    籍贯:                 江苏南京;(Nanjing, Jiangsu Provence)

    出生地(Birth place):  天津(Tianjin,P.R. China )


    1979~1985年:  天津南开中学(Nankai Middle School);

    1985~1989年:  南开大学外语系英美语言文学专业  (Foreign Language Department of Nankai University, Bachelor Degree);

    1997年~1999年:南开大学外语学院英语研究生(Graduate Study Courses in Nankai University from 1997~1999Master Degree)

    1989~至今:    南开大学外语学院公英教学部任教(PublicEnglish Department of Nankai University)

    1994年:          聘任讲师(became a lecturer in 1994)

    1997年:          获得顶新集团资助的青年教师奖教金  (awarded Teaching Scholarship in 1997)

    1997年:         加入民盟 (joined in Democratic Allies in 1997)

    2000年~2007:   担任英二教研室副主任(From2000~2007: Vice group leader of 2nd English Section)

    2001年:          聘任副教授(Since 2001, became the Associate Professor)

    20044月:        加入中国共产党,成为中共党员(joined the CPC)

    20082-6月:台湾明道大学讲学(Visiting Lecturer in Mingdao University, Taiwan

    20122-20137 月:受南开大学指派,赴西藏教育援藏。担任西藏大学旅外学院的副院长。Be the advanced teacher supporting Tibetan education.

    教研成果:Research Works Since:

    1. 新英汉袖珍词典》(New Chinese—English Pocket Library)编委之一,(南开大学出版社19983月第一版),承担了字典MS部分的编写工作。

    2. 英语辨错、改错难题突破》一书的编委之一(负责编辑全书1/3的内容),由天津大学出版社出版,979月第一版;

    3. 攻克英语听说关》一书编者之一,19988月第一版,天津大学出版社。

    4. 攻克英语词汇关》一书编者之一,20004月第一版,天津大学出版社。

    5. 职称英语考试重点词汇考点详解》一书编者之一。天津科技出版社20015月第一版。

    6. 独立撰写“<<>不求点石成金  但愿潜移默化>一文,发表在《大学英语论文集》中, 该论文集于20021月由《大学英语》编辑部出版。

    7. 独立撰写 “<<>钩深攫微 日有所进>一文,《英语学习月刊   200010月刊,  P28:语言文化专栏。

    8. 撰写<<>教学辅助工具(手段)与语言习得效果间是否有必然的联系>一文,发表在《大学英语教学与研究论文集》:南开大学出版社 20051月出版。

    9. 译著:主译《医生英语手册 》(A Manual of English For the overseas Doctorby Joy Parkinson (中英对照)10万字的翻译工作,并参与审校工作;天津科技翻译出版公司,19956月出版。

    10. 主译(第一译者)《当代全球商务Global Business Today》第三版(3rd edition)一书,美国华盛顿大学经济学教授查尔斯W.L.希尔的专著并进行全书的校稿统稿工作。该书已由机械工业出版社于20044月出版。

    11. 主译(第一译者)《当代全球商务Global Business Today》第五版(5th editionBy Charles W.L. Hill; 机械工业出版社,20093月出版。该书为经济教材译丛系列之一。

    12. 主译(第一译者)现代国际商务Global Business Today7th edition. By Charles W.L. Hill; 机械工业出版社,20131月出版。该书为经济教材译丛系列之一。

    基金: Fund:

    南开大学文科青年基金项目“两种不同的语言教学法在英语教学上的应用” 2006     

    研究方向: Research  Area:

