YAN Guodong
Academic Title:professor
Research Center: Center for Area Studies, Research Center for International Communication of Chinese Culture, Research Center for Translation Studies
Research Field:Russian sinology, Russian views on China, Chinese to Russian translation, Chinese history of Russian studies, and other fields related to China and Russia’s cultural exchanges
Address:ROOM 116
Yan Guodong, Ph.D. in History, is a full professor and doctoral supervisor at Nankai University’s College of Foreign Languages. He is currently serving as dean of Nankai University’s College of Foreign Languages and Mu Dan Academy and director of Nankai University’s Area Studies Center. In 2007 he was selected to the Ministry of Education’s New Century Excellent Talent Supporting Plan and became a chief expert of the major project team of the National Social Science Found. He serves as president of the China Academic Union on Overseas Sinology (CAUOS) and vice-president of the Tianjin Chinese Comparative Literature Association. He is also a member of the Russian Sub-Committee of the National Advisory Committee of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education under the Ministry of Education. His academic research fields include Russian sinology, Russian views on China, Chinese to Russian translation, Chinese history of Russian studies, and other fields related to China and Russia’s cultural exchanges. Prof. Yan published a series of treatises, translations, edited books, including the renowned History of Russian Sinology, and about 100 papers in China and abroad. Prof. Yan is also an editorial board member of the Chinese journals Russian Literature and Art, International Sinology, Sinology Studies, Chinese Books and Sinology, China Study Review International and China Studies Quarterly, and an international editorial board member of the Russian journal Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University and the journal of the Russian Association of Chinese Teachers Преподавание китайского языка.
Projects (in charge & as a participant) 2000: National Social Science Fund Project, History and Achievements of Russian Sinology 2003: Tianjin Social Science Fund Project, Collections and Studies on Tianjin Yangliuqing Nianhua in Russia 2012: Sub-topic project of National Social Science Foundation of tenders, Studies on the Overseas Spread of Chinese Literature over the Past Century 2015: Key National Social Science Fund Project, Translations and Studies of Chinese Important Records by Russian Witnesses during the Qing Dynasty 2018: major project of the National Social Science Fund, Translation and Research on the Russian Version of Comprehensive History of China
Monographs and Books edited History of Russian Sinology, People’s Press, 2006. Russian Sinology: 300 Years, Xueyuan Press, 2007. Chinese Culture: an Overview (Russian version). Nankai University Press, 2001. Reprinted in 2002, 2004, 2007. Efficient Mnemonics of Russian Common Words. Nankai University Press, 1995. Reprinted in 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2004. The new course of Russian for Economy and Trade, Nankai University Press, 1994. (co-editor) The Soul Bridges: International Symposium Papers on Sino-Russian Literature Exchanges. Co-Editor, Tianjin University Press, 2010. Collections of Chinese Woodblock Nianhua: Russian Volume. Associate Editor, China Bookstore, 2009. Riftin on Chinese Folk Paintings of Nianhua. Co-Editor, China Drama Press, 2012. History of China-Russia Cultural Exchanges (Volume on Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China), Tianjin People’s Publishing House, 2018. (Second author)
Translations Васильев В. П. Очерк истории китайской литературы. Переиздание на русском и китайском языках / Перевод на китайский язык Янь Годуна. Санкт-Петербург: Институт Конфуция в СПбГУ, 2013. (Translated alone) АдоратскийН. ПравославнаяМиссиявКитаеза 200 летеясуществования: Опытцерковно- историческогоисследованияпоархивнымдокументам. Казань, 1887. (First Translator) Ковалевский Е.П. Путешествие в Китай.СПб. , 1853. (First Translator) Алексеев В.М. В старом Китае: Дневники путешествия 1907 г. М., 1958. (Translated alone)
Articles and Essays Japanese Konishi Masutaro and the transmission of the Classics of Chinese Thoughts in China, Russian Literature & Arts, 04, 2021. Introduction and review of the ten volumes of Comprehensive History of China (Russian Social Sciences), Trends of Recent Researches on the History of China, 05, 2019. 俄罗斯的中国文学翻译与研究(以南开大学博士学位论文为例),VIII Международная научная конференция «Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока», посвященная 1250-летию со дня рождения выдающегося китайского литератора Хань Юя (768–824) (Санкт-Петербург, 24–28 августа 2018 г.) V.G. Belinsky’s views on China and its relation with Russian sinology, Russian Studies, 04, 2017. Russian travelers Journals in the first half of the 19th century and the diversion of views on China in Russia, Russian Literature & Arts, 01, 2017. 19世纪末20世纪初俄国东方派代表人物的中国观,VII Международная научная конференция «Проблемы литератур Дальнего Востока», посвященной 120-летию Мао Дуня (Санкт-Петербург, 29 июня – 3 июля 2016 г,СПб., 2016. Russian Sinology Crisis, Social Sciences Abroad, Vol. 6, 2015. Dmitry Mendeleyev’s Relation with and Perception of China, Social Sciences in Chinese Higher Education Institutions, 03, 2015. Chinese History-Culture Views of Russian Sinologists in the 18th Century, Jinan Journal, 07, 2014. Russian Sinologist Vasiliev’s Theory on Chinese Literature—Thoughts About the First Chinese Literature History Book, Literary Heritage, 06, 2014. Академик Рифтин навсегда останется в наших сердцах//Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета.2014, №.3. Remote Memories and Tempting Legends—Image of China in Russia before the Mid-17th Century, Russian Studies, 03, 2013. A Teacher, a Friend, and also a Model, Russian Literature & Arts, 02, 2013. The Ideal View of China among the 18th Century’s Russian Cultural Elites, Tianjin Social Sciences. Vol. 3, 2012. The Translation and Study of Shijing in Russia, Social Science Front, 03, 2012. An Investigation into the Motivation Behind King Louis XIV’s Dispatch of Mathematicians to China, Collected Papers of History Studies, 02, 2012. European Origins of Russian Perceptions concerning China in the 18th Century, Social Sciences Abroad, 04, 2011. China in the Eyes of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, Russian Literature & Arts, 02, 2011. Catherine II’s View of China, Russian Studies, 05, 2010. Первый русско-китайский словарь, составленный китайцем//Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета.2010, №2. Cheng Yaochen and the First Russian Dictionary Compiled by Chinese, Journal of Fujian Normal University, 02, 2009. A Pioneer in Sino-Russian Cultural Communication – Amendments to Zhang Qingtong’s Life Career, Russian Literature, and Art. Vol. 2, 2009. Янь Годун. Китайские преподаватели в Санкт-Петербургском императорском университете// Востоковедение: Филологические исследования. Сборникстатей. Вып.28. СПб. 2008. A Study of the 18th Century Sino-Russian Book Exchange, Russian Studies. Vol. 1, 2007. An Approach to Several Issues on Russian Sinology, Nankai Journal, 04, 2006. Russia is the Home of an Outstanding Sinology School//Far Eastern Affairs, № 4, 2006. В России есть корифей конфуцианства//Проблемы Дальнего Востока.2006. №2. Россия—Родина выдающейся школы китаеведения//Проблемы Дальнего Востока.2006. №5. From the Conventional Philology to the Interdisciplinary and Cross-Culture Studies, Teaching Russian in China. Vol. 3, 2006. Lang’s Diplomatic Mission in China and Sino—Russian Culture Exchange at Early Stage, Historical Archives, 04, 2004. Establishment of Russian Sinology in the Eighteenth Century, Chinese Culture Research, 02, 2004. A Review of a Russian Study of Tibet and Its Achievement, China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, 01, 2004. Nationalization of Chinese Studies in Russia during the First Half of the 19th Century, Social Sciences Abroad, 05, 2003. The Origins of the Chinese Style in 18th Century Russia, Russian Literature and Art. Vol. 4, 2003. Изучение российской синологии в Китае//Восток-запад. Историко-литературный альманах. Под редакцией акад. В.С.Мясникова. М., Издательская фирма «Восточная литература». 2002. Bichurin’s researches on China’s Borderland History and Geography, China’s Borderland History and Geography Studies, 02, 2001. Bosom Friend to Chinese Culture in Mosco, Russian Literature and Art. Vol. 3, 2001.
Member of the Russian Sub-Committee of the National Advisory Committee of Foreign Language Teaching in Higher Education under the Ministry of Education. President of the China Academic Union on Overseas Sinology (CAUOS) and vice-president of the Tianjin Chinese Comparative Literature Association.
Professional classic literature translation, Sino Russian cultural exchange research, Russian Sinology research, European and American Sinology topics
2004: Baogang Award for Outstanding Teachers 2007: Participant of the Ministry of Education’s New Century Excellent Talent Supporting Plan 2018: Second prize of the 15th Tianjin Social Science Outstanding Achievements Award 2019: Nankai University’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to Education and Teaching