ZHOU Xiaozhou
Academic Title:lecturer
Research Center:
Research Field:Spanish theater in the Golden Century, Spanish Literature, Comparative Literature
October 2024 to present: Lecturer in Spanish, School of Foreign Languages, Nankai University
October 2019-July 2024, (Spain) Autonomous University of Madrid, Ph.D, Hispanic Studies: language, literature, history and thoughts. September 2018-July 2019 (Spain) Autonomous University of Madrid, Master, Hispanic Literature, art, history and society. September 2016-July 2017 (Spain) Murcia University, Exchange program. September 2014-July 2018 Communication University of China, Bachelor, Hispanic Language and Literature
1. 2023.12, XII Congreso Internacional «Jóvenes Investigadores Siglo de Oro (XII International Congress of Young Investigatores of Golden Century), Conference Speech: Comedias picarescas ambientadas en Italia de Lope de Vega: el anhelo de ascenso social, y el orden social reestablecido (Lope de Vega's picaresque comedies set in Italy: the yearning for social ascent, and the re-established social order), published in 2023. 2. 2023.12 “La vulnerabilidad del tirano: Nerón en Roma abrasada y Los embustes de Fabia de Lope de Vega” (The Vulnerability of the Tyrant: Nero in Roma abrasada and Lope de Vega's Los embustes de Fabia), in Librosdelacorte, number 27. 3. 2024.1 “Las imágenes dinámicas de Roma y de Diocleciano en Lo fingido verdadero” (The dynamic images of Rome and Diocletian in Lo fingido verdadero), in Artifara, 2023.2. 4. 2024.7 “El honrado hermano de Lope de Vega: la grandeza en la derrota” (Lope de Vega's El honrado hermano: greatness in defeat), in Talía, number 6, 2024. 5. 2023.11 “Positive Readings, Misreadings, Selected Readings and Their Reflections: An Analysis of the Status of Translation and Dissemination of Contemporary Chinese Literature in the Hispanic World since the 21st Century”,in Contemporary Writers Review, number 6, 2023.
Spanish Writing, Audiovisual Course of Spoken Spanish, Spoken Spanish